Mike Livermore - George Mason University
Statistics Class Assignments (CSI 773/STAT 663)
First Week Assignment
Second Week Assignments
Lecture Examples
Lattice Graphics
Third Week Assignments
Box Plots
Density Plots
Dot Plots
QQ Plots
Quantile Plots
Fifth Week Assignment - Smoothing
Sixth Week Assignment - Choropleth Maps
Eighth Week Assignment - Maps and Smoothes
Week 9 Assignments
Comparative Micromaps
Conditioned Micromaps
Week 10 Assignments
Cluster Subspaces
Dissimilarities and Clustering
Scaling and Transformations
Week 11 Assignments
Logistic Regression
Regression Diagnostics
Recursive Partitioning
Week 12 Assignments
Random Forests
13th Week - State Micromaps
Statistics Class Projects (CSI 773/STAT 663)
Redesign Project